Mark Taylor (Sucoloski)

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Mark Taylor (Sucoloski)

SJA prepared me for the real world – both in life and in the music industry – better than I could have ever imagined. At SJA, I was heavily involved in extracurricular activities. After I auditioned for my first musical in the 5th grade, I was hooked. This was coupled with my love of sports which made for some ‘creative’ scheduling in the afternoons, but SJA allowed me to do it all, without question. It was this love of trying everything that allowed me to experience so many things while enrolled at St. James Academy. The faculty at St. James Academy instilled in me the foundations needed to take my music career to the next level through events like Celebrate the Arts Night, Musicals, Band Concerts, and dozens of other performance opportunities. After SJA, I had the building blocks to continue to explore what high school and college had to offer.” 

Loyola Blakefield, B.A. Communication with a concentration in Integrated Communication Studies, with minors in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise and Sociology with a focus in Criminal Justice – Wake Forest University, Continuing Education: Music Production and Songwriting – Berklee College of Music

Mark is a Nashville based country singer song writer. You can find additional information including touring schedules at